#2, now. Is their advice still good?

Here is an example of the stupid uses to which the vacuous US News & World Report hospital rankings are put. Early this morning, a friend received an email come-on for The 2012 Johns Hopkins Depression and Anxiety White Paper that offers this reason for subscribing (at $19.95):

The Johns Hopkins Hospital has ranked #1 among America's Best Hospitals in US. News & World Report for 21 consecutive years 1991-2011. You simply won't find a more knowledgeable and trustworthy source of the medical information you require.

Hmm, this year it was not ranked #1.  Some other place was, complete with a Duck Boat parade.

Oh, but wait, the hospital says something different on its website advertisement:

Year after year, The Johns Hopkins Hospital ranks among America's Best Hospitals in US. News & World Report. You simply won't find a more knowledgeable and trustworthy source of the medical information you require.

Hmm, a copy editor's dilemma!