The business case for Lean

Does Lean pay?  CFOs always want to know!  Joshua Rapoza at the Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.writes:

I want to invite you to our latest webinar, The Business Case for Lean, with Michael Ballé, taking place at 2:00 p.m. Eastern on October 10, 2012. This is a one hour, free webinar.

"Executives have been asking about the ROI of Lean programs forever. Lean practitioners answer that it's the wrong kind of question. They are absolutely right, but we must get better at showing the business benefits of Lean. That's where I can help." - Michael Ballé.

Ballé is the award winning author of The Lean Manager and The Gold Mine, as well as the writer of the very popular Gemba Coach Column on

Click here to register for this free webinar, and don't forget to invite your colleagues as well.

While you are on, take a minute or two to learn about Ballé’s upcoming (one time only) workshop of the same name at LEI's Cambridge headquarters this November.