Health Foundation research tenders

I am forwarding this along to those who might be interested:

The (UK) Health Foundation is seeking experienced providers for two pieces of research: a spotlight report on healthcare-associated infections and a review of the best evidence on mobilising community assets in health and care services. The invitations to tender for both pieces of work have recently been published, and are available on our website. 
The spotlight report on healthcare-associated infections will bring together evidence from a range of sources on the best means of preventing and controlling infections, taking account of difficulties in measurement and recent success stories. We expect bids in a range of £100k-£120k. 
The best evidence review on mobilising community assets in health and care services will bring together evidence on the effectiveness of asset-based approaches to community development in health and care, drawing on models and lessons from the literature and case studies. We expect bids in a range of £55k-£70k. 

Applications for both projects close in the first week of December 2012. Full guidance on both projects and information on how to submit a tender can be found on the Health Foundation website.