Trust Frameworks and Asymptotic Identity Proofing:
A Systems Approach
MIT SDM Systems Thinking Webinar Series
David Hartzband, D.Sc., Lecturer, MIT Engineering Systems Division.
Date: June 3, 2013
Time: Noon – 1pm EDT
Free and open to all
About the Presentation
This webinar is based on Dr. Hartzband's work as PI for a grant entitled “An Identity Ecosystem for Patient-Centered Coordination of Care.” He will describe how two health information exchanges link with a unique policy-enabled authentication, authorization, and identity proofing system that can gather and utilize identity attributes from disparate sources and use them to provide a very high level of assurance for cyber identities. This systems-based approach can be useful to consider in many other industries.
Dr. Hartzband will discuss several use cases from the grant pilot, as well as the following topics:
• The need for trusted identities in healthcare (and elsewhere)
• The need for trusted identities in healthcare (and elsewhere)
• The role of identity in online privacy and security
• The design of the NSTIC healthcare project and pilot
• The architecture and function of identity syndication
• A probability model for identity syndication
• What’s next in the development of trusted identities
We invite you to join us!