Engaging hearts and minds on WIHI

Ann Hendrich, RN, PhD, FAAN,
Senior Vice President, Clinical Quality & Safety; CNO; Executive Director, Patient Safety Organization (PSO), Ascension Health
Deborah Morris Nadzam, PhD, RN, BB, FAAN,Project Director, JCR Partnership for Patients Hospital Engagement Network
Katherine Luther, RN, MPM, Vice President, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Libby Hoy, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Patient & Family Centered Care Partners (Long Beach, CA) 

When it comes to patient safety and reducing harm, one of the biggest challenges US hospitals face day-to-day is how to maintain a relentless focus on everything that needs to be improved and worked on, simultaneously. Building reliable systems, engaging leaders, insisting on a team-based culture, and ensuring that your staff has the necessary improvement skills have become essential underpinnings at every organization. So has joining up with something larger—to keep the pressure on, commit to stretch goals, and benefit from coaching and continuous learning.

The Partnership for Patients, launched by the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in April 2011, is attempting to be that “something larger” for some 3,700 hospitals that have signed on to reduce nine hospital-acquired conditions by 40% and hospital readmissions by 20% by December 2013. What does this sprint look like from the vantage point of the 26 Hospital Engagement Networks (HENS)that form the backbone of the initiative? We’re going to check in with two of the HENS — Ascension Health and Joint Commission Resources, Inc. — on the June 27th WIHI: An Engagement with Safety - The Ground Game of the Partnership for Patients. Ann Hendrich and Deborah Nadzam will be our invaluable informants, along with Libby Hoy, who’s playing a crucial role embedding patient engagement into every hospital’s safety work. IHI’s Kathy Luther will also be on hand to share her perspective on what we’re learning about reducing harm from this ambitious initiative.

At one level, the Partnership for Patients is about doing all the right things to protect patients from a list of hospital-acquired conditionsand avoidable readmissions. But as you’ll find out on the June 27th WIHI, if the improvements are going to be lasting, hearts and minds have to change, too. We hope you’ll join the discussion!

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