A well done article in Modern Healthcare raises more questions about CMS' analysis and motivations than it answers with regard to the agency's proposal to change facility fees for outpatient services.
Quick summary:
CMS has proposed tighter controls over facility fees as part of a plan to redirect billions of dollars Medicare spends annually on outpatient care. Its proposal, though preliminary, is already drawing fire.
I make no judgment about the appropriateness of the rule change, but I have to raise questions about the manner in which the proposal was made. Specifically, there seems to be an aversion to transparency on the part of the agency as to the reasons for the change and the likely impacts. Here are more excerpts from the article:
The CMS didn't estimate the financial impact of the coding change and declined a written request for any data indicating upcoding by hospitals. The agency also declined to provide any comment on the rationale for the draft rule.
Quick summary:
CMS has proposed tighter controls over facility fees as part of a plan to redirect billions of dollars Medicare spends annually on outpatient care. Its proposal, though preliminary, is already drawing fire.
I make no judgment about the appropriateness of the rule change, but I have to raise questions about the manner in which the proposal was made. Specifically, there seems to be an aversion to transparency on the part of the agency as to the reasons for the change and the likely impacts. Here are more excerpts from the article:
The CMS didn't estimate the financial impact of the coding change and declined a written request for any data indicating upcoding by hospitals. The agency also declined to provide any comment on the rationale for the draft rule.