I am very pleased to announce that Edgar H. Schein, Management Professor Emeritus at MIT, and author of Helping: How to offer, give and receive help has graced my second printing of Goal Play! with a foreword. Ed is one of the acknowledged world experts in industrial organization and management, and he has kindly told me: I think your book is one of the best leadership books I have ever read. I agree with the lessons but, more important, I love the presentation around the concrete stories of coaching girl’s soccer. That brings it all home better.
Goal Play! is available on Amazon.com worldwide, on Barnes and Noble.com and in Kindle format. Here in Boston, you can find it at Brookline Booksmith. I also expect to have an audio book version available in a few weeks.
Goal Play! is available on Amazon.com worldwide, on Barnes and Noble.com and in Kindle format. Here in Boston, you can find it at Brookline Booksmith. I also expect to have an audio book version available in a few weeks.