I friended a friend, one of the world's experts in artificial intelligence and computer science, on Facebook. His reply:
I received a "Friend" request originating from you on Facebook. I actually don't ever use or consult Facebook, so it's a bad way to try to communicate with me. Email works best. I'm happy to be your friend in real life, but not on Facebook.
I responded:
Fair enough! (I was surprised to see you there....)
See you around.
He replied:
I was at an NRC/CSTB (National Research Council/Computer Science and Telecommunications Board) meeting about 3 years ago, and one of the speakers told us that you can't call yourself a computer scientist without using Facebook. So, being a lemming, I opened an account. Didn't know what to do with it, tried to "friend" my daughter, who refused (!), and haven't done much with the account since then.
I received a "Friend" request originating from you on Facebook. I actually don't ever use or consult Facebook, so it's a bad way to try to communicate with me. Email works best. I'm happy to be your friend in real life, but not on Facebook.
I responded:
Fair enough! (I was surprised to see you there....)
See you around.
He replied:
I was at an NRC/CSTB (National Research Council/Computer Science and Telecommunications Board) meeting about 3 years ago, and one of the speakers told us that you can't call yourself a computer scientist without using Facebook. So, being a lemming, I opened an account. Didn't know what to do with it, tried to "friend" my daughter, who refused (!), and haven't done much with the account since then.