I've been invited to lecture at many business schools around the country, but tonight's experience at Boston College was pleasantly unique. Here were the instructions I received from faculy member Stephen Bookbinder:
The class requires NO preparation from you. You just show up at 7:00 pm on April 30 for about 60 to 90 minutes and the students are prepared to ask you questions about your career and your experiences as the leader of BIDMC. They will have used publicly available information to learn about the hospital industry, BIDMC and you to prepare for the class and anything else you might like them to read. They will prepare an interview guide in advance and they will ask questions such as: describe a great mentor, tough decisions you had to make, how you created a leadership team, etc. They will be graded on the quality of the interaction they establish with you and their ability to make the best use of the time they have with you. They will also have to write a short paper on what they learned and can apply in the future.
So I showed up properly unprepared and responded first to Janet, Leigh, and Andy (above) and then to Colin, Brian, and Patrick (below).
For me, the time flew by. The questions were excellent. The students had clearly prepared throughly and coordinated the topics among themselves. (How refreshing compared to certain press conferences I have gone to!) On that front, I am certain that their classmates gave them a good grade. I'm hoping the students allow me to publish excerpts from their forthcoming papers so you can all share their observations in a couple of weeks.
The class requires NO preparation from you. You just show up at 7:00 pm on April 30 for about 60 to 90 minutes and the students are prepared to ask you questions about your career and your experiences as the leader of BIDMC. They will have used publicly available information to learn about the hospital industry, BIDMC and you to prepare for the class and anything else you might like them to read. They will prepare an interview guide in advance and they will ask questions such as: describe a great mentor, tough decisions you had to make, how you created a leadership team, etc. They will be graded on the quality of the interaction they establish with you and their ability to make the best use of the time they have with you. They will also have to write a short paper on what they learned and can apply in the future.
So I showed up properly unprepared and responded first to Janet, Leigh, and Andy (above) and then to Colin, Brian, and Patrick (below).
For me, the time flew by. The questions were excellent. The students had clearly prepared throughly and coordinated the topics among themselves. (How refreshing compared to certain press conferences I have gone to!) On that front, I am certain that their classmates gave them a good grade. I'm hoping the students allow me to publish excerpts from their forthcoming papers so you can all share their observations in a couple of weeks.