This video was produced some time ago, but I had not seen it. Please take a few minutes and watch the interaction between Naomi Feil and Gladys Wilson. Stick with it to the end.
Many thanks to Janice Lynch Schuster for bringing this to my attention. Janice recently wrote an article about steps you can take to communicate with people with dementia. The article made mention of the "validation method" pioneered by Feil in the 1980's. That is what is at work in the video.
While there have been questions raised about the method in the scientific community, I dare you to watch this video and not feel that it has some power.
If you cannot see the video, click here.
Many thanks to Janice Lynch Schuster for bringing this to my attention. Janice recently wrote an article about steps you can take to communicate with people with dementia. The article made mention of the "validation method" pioneered by Feil in the 1980's. That is what is at work in the video.
While there have been questions raised about the method in the scientific community, I dare you to watch this video and not feel that it has some power.
If you cannot see the video, click here.